On GoodETxSG

To understand where Corey Goode is coming from, all you need to know is: PROJECT Avalon.

I followed him closely, as I follow Avalon as a study in psychology (shared delusions/psychosis).

This how I remember and speculate some about Corey, aka GoodETxSG, aka Luke Skywalker ( no joke, that was one of his codenames for a second).

Corey was a 'run of the mill' right wing conspiracy hobbyist, this I gathered from reading back through his Facebook page. He joined PROJECT Avalon some years ago (as GoodETxSG) and jumped right in to the back channels, pretending to be an Insider, even supposedly passing info to Wilcock years ago, before this whole debacle today.

Corey worked contract tech jobs for some big companies, often sitting in on meetings virtually (the reality behind the metaphor for his aliens=big wigs in corporate land), witnessing just how corrupt big business is.

Corey was probably a really good dude before he decided to make a living lying to people. He watched his jobs be outsourced overseas and spoke up about it, and after suffering a workplace accident that left him disabled (and on disability for a few years at least), he suffered PTSD, and was vocal about the significance that has on life and work.

PROJECT Avalon ruined Corey. Avalon is den of wolves and snakes led by Bill Ryan who practically invented Disinformation as we know it today, and as we see it with Corey's Blue Avians.

Within the Project Avalon back channel there hides a network of insane people who are led to believe they are MILABS (alien and military abductees) and in need of counseling, which leaves them as the hapless prey of supposed psychics and counselors whose only interest is to keep the abduction mythos alive, with all its fancy new age, space age 'glamour'.

Corey, being most likely a bit mentally ill by default, got caught up in the shared delusions of the egotistical MILAB crowd at Avalon, and then over time became obsessed and went full psycho. He began to pose as a MILAB counselor himself, yet also in need of healing.

For his healing, late last year, Christine, an Avalon moderator (and estranged wife of Bill Ryan), visited Corey in his home to do a healing session, during which audio was recorded. Bill, upon hearing the audio and understanding Corey's budding insanity, decided to exploit him (as he and his ex-wife and former partner, Kerry Cassidy, have done with dozens of train wrecks in the past). The result of Bill Ryan's hand in this mess was Corey, GoodETxSG's coming out (not quite) as an anonymous whistleblower through the Avalon platform, his healing session being re-edited as an 'Interview With A Secret Space Program Whistleblower', at which point most people familiar with Avalon were already smelling 'Psyop'.

Who knows, and this IS all very interesting...

It wasn't long before Corey had his own Q&A thread on Avalon, like most disinfo scammers get through Avalon, a pedestal, and protection from too deep of questioning. 'It's all about the message, Intel., not the messenger'. The messenger was not quite anonymous, as he was already very close with the nutty fringe of Avalon (having consciously and unconsciously data-mined them), as well as very familiar with all your basic conspiracy crap for years of Avalon forum participation, having a particular interest, it would seem, in A.I., Secret Space Programs--Mars, and MILAB lore, which he began to voraciously regurgitate all over the Avalon forum in unintelligible, confusing, disorienting fashion, as is the way a troubled mind works (or mind controllers when they wish to open their targets up to 'suggestion').

This all began early this year and is chronicled on Avalon, and then The One Truth forum, where Corey went after destroying his bridge with Avalon and Bill Ryan. Corey took a considerable following with him, picked up a gullible core, then burnt his bridge to The One Truth forum. He used two forums where the regulars are in love with liars of the ilk Cassidy has paraded for years, who Ryan defends and supports when he's not propping up his exploits; two forums that attract gullible seekers, by design, and Corey used them to establish his 'cult base'.

Let's not mention all the shady rumors and infighting with these forum cults and his nutty ex-friends, like Shane, "The Ruiner" (Google: the ruiner blog)

Some facts: when Corey came out as a 'anonymous' whistlerblower, it was not hard for some one to find his identity and real name, which lead to his linkedin, which is just as it has reappeared of late, after disappearing for a time when he was called out and named publicly, except for one entry: Freemason.

Infraguard, techie, mason, years of making claims under Avalon alias GoodETxSG.

Only two possibilities for me. He's a long con disinformation agent, planned all of this and is 'sanctioned' as Bill Ryan now says. Or, he was a true believer, went nuts, and is now being exploited by the wolves and snakes in the Alternative 'ConSpirituality' network of which Wilcock, Ryan, Cassidy, Webre and many others are actors and fakes, in active deception of gullible donation-happy truth seekers.

For all we really know Corey could be infiltrating a dark network of some kind as an agent for the FBI...

hehe ...

It's interesting. He SHOULD be the last of his kind, and the end of Wilcock.

Of course it could all be true, haha!


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