
THEOSOPHICAL SOURCES OF DAVID ICKE'S REPTILIAN THEORY Submitted by  David Livingstone  on Sun, 12/08/2013 - 20:49 Although most recently popularized by David Icke, the notions of the connection of a worldwide conspiracy orchestrated by Reptilian beings, like the UFO mythos itself, has its origins in Theosophy, the occult tradition founded by H. P. Blavatsky, godmother of the New Age movement, and pre-eminent personality of the Occult Revival of the late nineteenth century. Essentially, Icke, like other conspiracy researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, and Acharya S ,  is an ardent critic of the Illuminati, but presents the myriad speculations of Theosophy as the truth being suppressed. All his main teachings are Theosophical, and therefore identical to those of the Illuminati, which is he is purportedly denouncing. H. P. Blavatskyi Alice Bailey As revealed in another excellent documentary by Chris White, called  David  Icke Debunked , Icke

Camelot and Avalon Projects: Cases of Amplifying Disinformation

PDF FILE Camelot and Avalon Projects: Cases of Amplifying Disinformation Jean-Pierre Petit  and T he internet is the last remaining bastion of freedom for the individual. W e now know that, across the globe, the official media are no longer trustworthy. In earlier times, the press was thought of as the “4th power”, a means of expression capable of counterbalancing political powers. Such has been the case in the past, and such remains the case today. Regrettably often too late at night, some networks occasionally broadcast programs that shed light on buried archives or highlight the results of courageous and rigorous investigations. Thanks to such programs, the viewers can discover never previously unearthed historical facts, or facts that were once known, but have since been forgotten more or less consciously. The example that comes to my mind is the case of Japan’s experiments on bacteriological war tools c

UFO's: The Pycholcultural Hypothesis

October 2000 by Steven Novella, MD Millions of Americans believe that we are being visited by a spacefaring alien race. These aliens allegedly fly in saucer-shaped ships, they routinely abduct humans for some experimental purpose we can only guess, some believe they are responsible for such phenomena as cattle mutilations and crop circles, our government is aware of the whole thing and is engaged in a decades-long cover-up to keep this shocking truth from the public. Or, perhaps not. Those who espouse scientific skepticism as the best method of discerning the truth are often placed in the position of naysayers, by denying the claims of pseudoscientists or those with an anti-scientific world view. Countering such claims is a valuable and necessary enterprise, but is often painted with the brush of negativity. Further, just pointing out that a particular extraordinary claim is not likely to be true, although it may be correct, is often unsatisfying to the public. It is far better